Tether Flight
Tether Flight
Tether Flight
I want to see it up close. I want to touch it. I want to ride.
I want to deliver it to those who secretly think so while looking at the hot air balloon.
I want to enjoy hot air balloons more. I want to be a pilot.
I want to deliver it to people who think so but do not know what to do.
A place where you can enjoy learning with your friends.
I was a shaven for 3 days to do anything, but only the balloon has been going on for 40 years ...
It is natural to fly around the country to participate in the tournament ...
I'm not good at getting up early, but I've never been late for a flight ...
Although it is a hot air balloon that fascinates people so much, it is still a minor in the name.
Even if you want to belong to a hot air balloon club, it's difficult because you don't know ...
Don't be in such a small world!
I want more people to know the charm of hot air balloons.
I want you to enjoy it.
And I want to bring up young people who will lead the next generation.
With that in mind, we have created a place where friends of all ages can get together and learn happily.
Seminars will be guided by STEP so that you can learn from the basic contents to the detailed contents that will appear in the pilot exam.
Let's touch the hot air balloon
For those who have touched hot air balloons for the first time but want to know more.
Learn about the history of hot air balloons and the principle of buoyancy, and experience the launch of a balloon.
Learn more about flight
For those who want to know more about hot air balloons.
You will learn the basic knowledge of aviation and navigation for hot air balloons to fly in the sky, which you should know as a balloon person. Experience with a pilot balloon.
Let's think about a flight plan
For those who want to know how to fly in the sky or who want to become a pilot.
Read the map used for the flight, make a flight plan, etc.
Learn how pilots fly in the sky.
Tether Flight
I wanted to know more about wakes and flight plans, so I'm very glad to hear from you this time. I want to know from the basics of the basics.

Thanks to the polite and easy-to-understand explanations, I was able to learn while understanding each one!
There were many things I didn't know before, and it was fun to discover new things!
It was really fun.
Thank you for the good opportunity.

It was also introduced in the Asahi Shimbun on May 25, 2020! https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN5S6SJ9N5STTHB001.htm